Dermal fillers are a non-surgical cosmetic solution that involve the injection of a gel-like substance beneath the skin to restore lost volume, smooth lines, and enhance facial contours. Composed of hyaluronic acid or other biocompatible materials, dermal fillers provide a natural-looking and youthful appearance.

We are proud to partner and offer FDA approved brands:

Some of our work

Some of our popular filler procedures :

Lip Filler | $650

Our skilled professionals use high-quality fillers to enhance lip volume and definition, creating a subtle and beautiful result. Whether you desire a fuller appearance or wish to restore lost volume, our lip filler service is tailored to meet your unique preferences.

Mini Lip Plump | $385

Achieve a natural-looking lip enhancement with our Mini Lip Plump service. Enhance your lips with a subtle touch of filler for a more beautiful smile.

PRP Injections | $299

PRP is platelet-rich plasma protein derived from your whole blood. PRP is full of proteins and natural growth factors found in your own blood. This treatment stimulates your own collagen production longterm. A series of at least 3 treatments is recommended. Package pricing available.

Filler Appointment Essentials

  • Getting filler should be fun and exciting! But it is a medical procedure and following a few simple guidelines will ensure a great appointment with great results.

    Stay hydrated. Drink fluids before your appointment will help with skin texture and healing process.

    Avoid alcohol and blood thinners (unless advised by your physician). These can increase your risk of bruising and bleeding.

    Limit caffeine. This can encourage bruising and muscle spasms which can affect treatment.

    Expect bruising. We try our hardest to not cause bruising, but our face is full of vessels, and there's always a risk with skin injuries, no matter how small. Bruising and swelling is common and can last up to 2 weeks. Please plan around any big events or travel.

    Plan for 1+ hour appointment. We review your health history, concerns, and allow numbing to take affect during your appointment. We always try to add a little time for complication correction.

    Cold Sores. If you suffer from cold sores, getting lip filler can stress your immune response and cold sores may appear and affect treatment. It's important to take prophylactic medications prior to your appointment.

  • Swelling, lumps and bumps and are completely normal and expected. It takes at least 2 weeks for filler to integrate with your tissue. The lumps and bumps will subside and get better in time.

    Expected outcomes:

    • Tenderness

    • Bruising

    • Lumps and bumps

    What you can do:

    To help with healing, you may apply a cool compress. 

    Swelling will increase the next couple days, it's best to avoid salt and sleep with your head elevated. Additionally, you may take benadryl or zyrtec as needed.

    To help with bruising, you can use topical arnica gel or tablets to help prevent bruising as needed. Avoid high heat, intense workouts or saunas for at least 24 hours. 

    If you're in pain, avoid NSAIDS such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. Tylenol is OK to take.

    Drink plenty of water.

    When to call your provider immediately:

    Area blanches (turns white when pressed on) but color doesn't return.

    Increasing pain.

    Spider veins sprawling from injection site.

    Fever over 102F.

    These may indicate decreased blood flow to an area and need to be immediately addressed by your provider.

  • Dermal fillers are FDA approved and generally safe, however, there are some instances that we may need to reschedule or cancel your appointment. It's important to know when to expect to reschedule;

    You're sick. We won't inject you if you're sick, your body needs all of it's energy to heal itself. Adding a procedure while your sick could affect your healing.

    You're taking antibiotics. While antibiotics don't affect results, we need to let your body finish treatment before performing a filler procedure.

    Allergy to Lidocaine. All fillers we stock have lidocaine in their ingredients. If you have a lidocaine allergy, we may suggest PRP injections as an alternative.

    Dental procedure. If you've had a dental procedure in the past 2 weeks, or have one scheduled in the next 2 weeks, we'll need to reschedule. This includes dental cleanings.

    Life Events. Expect and plan for bruising and swelling which can last up to 2 weeks; we must plan around events and travel. We won't inject directly before any big event or travel plans